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Version: v11.8.3

Data Table - Events & Methods


Data Table behavior can be customized with the help of the call-back events. These events can be accessed from the events tab on the Properties panel. The trigger for the event can be JavaScript, another Variable call, and more.

EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Row ClickThis event will be called when a row in Data Table is clicked. Note: This event can happen when selecting or deselecting a row.
Page.[DataTableName]Rowclick = function($event, widget, row) {
//row has the data of the row which is clicked and the index of the row
// Note: Row selection will happen on click of a cell. So, cell element is present in $event.

//Printing the clicked row data and its index
console.log(“The clicked row data with index:, row.index , row);
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Row SelectThis event will be called when a row from Data Table is selected
Page.[dataTableName]Select = function($event, widget, row) { 
//row: row has the selected row data. row has also the index of the row
// Note: Row selection will happen on click of a cell. So, cell element is present in $event.
//Printing the selected row data and its index

console.log(“The row data with index:, row.index , row);
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Row DeselectThis event will be called when a row from Data Table is deselected.
Page.[dataTableName]Deselect = function($event, widget, row) {
//row has the deselected row data. Row has also the index of the row.
// Note: Row deselection will happen on click of a cell. So, cell element is present in $event.
//Printing the deselected row data and its index
console.log(“The row data with index:, row.index , row);
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Data SortThis event will be called when the Data Table header is clicked to sort by a particular column.
Page.[dataTableName]Sort = function($event, widget, $data) {
//$data: $data contains the newly sorted data, colDef, and sortDirection

// Note: Column selection will happen on click of the header. So, column element is present in $event.
//Printing the sorted data
console.log(“The sort column data:, $data);
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Header ClickThis event will be called when the Data Table header is clicked.
Page.[dataTableName]Headerclick = function($event, widget, column) {

//column has the column definition data of the corresponding clicked header.
// Note: Column selection will happen on click of the header. So, column element is present in $event.

//Printing the selected column field and the column definition
console.log(“The column data with column field:, column.field , column);
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Before Row DeleteThis event is called before a record is deleted in a table.
Page.[dataTableName]Beforerowdelete = function ($event, widget, row, options) {   

EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Column SelectThis event will be called when a column in Data Table is selected. Note: This event is accessible if you enable Column Section property from Advanced Settings.
Page.[dataTableName]Columnselect = function($event, widget, $data) {
//$data has the object containing colDef, data and sortDirection.
//data has the selected column data. colDef has the selected column definition

//Printing the selected column data and field name

console.log(“The column data with column field:, $data.colDef.field , $;
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Column DeselectThis event will be called when a column in Data Table is deselected. Note: This event is accessible if you enable Column Section property from Advanced Settings.
Page.[dataTableName]Columndeselect = function($event, widget, $data) {
//$data: $data contains colDef, data and sortDirection

//Printing the selected column data and field name
console.log(“The column data with column field:, $data.colDef.field , $;
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Record DeleteThis event will be called when a record is deleted from the underlying data entity.
  • This event will be triggered for Editable Data Table with delete action defined.
  • For Data Table with Form option, this event will be available in the corresponding Form widget and not with Data Table.
Page.[dataTableName]Rowdelete = function($event, widget, row ) {
//row: row has the data of the row deleted
//Printing the deleted row data
console.log(“The deleted row data:, row);
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Before Record InsertThis event will be called before a new record is inserted in the underlying data entity.
  • This event is triggered for Editable Data Table with insert action defined. Use Case: Populate the date modified or modified user to the current date or logged in user
  • For Data Table with Form option, this event will be available in the corresponding Form widget and not with Data Table.
Page.[dataTableName]Beforerowinsert = function($event, widget, row, options) {
//row has the data of the new record to be inserted. This data can be modified and validated before sending the request

//Validation can be performed here.
//If validation fails, return false will stop the operation and service call will not be made.
if (row.password.length < 6) {'error', 'ERROR', 'Password too small');
return false;
//On before insert row, modify the data
row.dateModified =; //Set today's date as modified date field
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Record InsertThis event will be called after a new record is inserted in the underlying data entity.
  • This event is triggered only for Editable Data Table with insert action defined.
  • For Data Table with Form option, this event will be available in the corresponding Form widget and not with Data Table.
Page.[dataTableName]Rowinsert = function($event, widget, row) {
//row: row has the data of the the new record inserted.

//Printing the inserted row data
console.log(“The inserted row data:, row);
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Before Record UpdateThis event will be called before a record is updated to the underlying data entity.
  • This event is triggered only for Editable Data Tables with update action defined.
  • For Data Table with Form option, this event will be available in the corresponding Form widget and not with Data Table.
Page.[dataTableName]Beforerowupdate = function($event, widget, row, options) {
//row has the data of the the record to be updated. This data can be modified and validated before sending the request

//Validation can be performed here.
//If validation fails, return false will stop the operation and service call will not be made.
if (row.password.length < 6) {'error', 'ERROR', 'Password too small');
return false;

//On before update row, modify the data
row.dateModified =; //Set today's date as modified date
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Record UpdateThis event will be called after a record is updated to the underlying data entity.
  • This event is triggered only for Editable Data Tables with update action defined.
  • For Data Table with Form option, this event will be available in the corresponding Form widget and not with Data Table.
Page.[dataTableName]Rowupdate = function($event, widget, row) {
//row has the data of the the record updated.

//Printing the deleted row data
console.log(“The deleted row data:, row);
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Before Data RenderThis event will be called the before the data is rendered in the Data Table. Note: The data accessible is restricted to the current page of the Data Table. Use Case: If you want to change the display value based on the values of a column
Page.[dataTableName]Setrecord = function($event, data, columns) {
//data has data to be rendered in table
// An object of column names with each column name pointing to column definition.

//Modify the data in required format. This modified data will be rendered in data table
$data.forEach(function(obj) {
if (obj.age <= 5) { obj.age = 'younger'; } else if (obj.age > 5 && obj.age <= 10) {
obj.age = 'young';
} else {
obj.age = 'older';
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Before Form Render(Only for Data Table with Quick-Edit and Inline-Edit) This event is fired on the edit of a row and before the inline form is rendered.

This gives access to data to be displayed in the form Use Case: You can use this event to edit values to be displayed in the form. Edit also can be prevented in form based on some condition.

Page.[dataTableName]Beforeformrender = function($event, 
widget, row, $operation) {
//row: row has the data of the row being edited/ inserted
//$operation: $operation value is 'new' for new row and 'edit' when row being edited
//If row has role admin, show error and stop edit
if (row.role === 'admin') {'error', 'error', 'Admin row can not be edited');
return false; //Returning false will stop the editing and form is not rendered
//If city is not present in the row being edited, set default city
if (! { = 'New York';
//For insert, set default role as 'user'
if ($operation === 'new') {
row.role = 'user';
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Form RenderThis event is accessible for Data Table with Quick-Edit and Inline-Edit templates. This event is called after the inline form is rendered.

This gives access to the widgets in the form. Use Case: Individual widget can be disabled based on a condition.

Page.[gridName]Formrender = function($event, widget,
formWidgets, $operation) {
//formWidgets: formWidgets has the scopes of all the widgets in the form. Individual widget can be accessed as formWidgets.[fieldName]
//$operation: $operation value is 'new' for new row and 'edit' when row being edited
//Disabled the editing of role field
formWidgets.role.disabled = true;
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Error(ONLY for Data Table with Quick-Edit and Inline-Edit) This event will be called after the edit/insert/delete operation returns a failure response
Page.[gridName]Error = function($event, widget,
$data, $operation) {
//$data has the error message returned from the API.
//$operation: operation performed - edit or new or delete
console.log("Error returned from server:", $data);};
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Before Export(ONLY for Data Table with Export Format selected) This event will be called before downloading the file. Any data changes like file format changes, field expression, size changes etc can be performed here. Returning false from the script will stop the file download.
Page.hrdbDeptTable1Beforeexport = function (widget, $data) { 
$data.exportType = 'CSV';

//updating the header
$data.columns.firstname.header = ‘Fullname’;
//updating first name expression
$data.columns.firstname.expression = firstname + ' ' +lastname;

//adding new column
$data.columns.username = {
header: ‘Username’,
expression: firstname + '.' + lastname
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Before FilterThis event will be called when filter is applied on Data Table and before the search is triggered by the Data Table. Search values can be modified in this method. If false is returned from the method, Data Table filter will be stopped.
Page.[dataTableName]Beforefilter = function($event, widget, columns) {
// Add tenantId filter always
columns.tenantId = {
value: 1
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Data RenderThis event will be called when the data is rendered in the Data Table. Note: This gives access to data displayed on the current page of the Data Table Use Case: You can use this event to add a class to a particular row.
Page.[dataTableName]Datarender = function(widget, data) {
//data: data has the data to be rendered in the current page of data table

//widget.datagridElement has the data table jquery element
widget.datagridElement.find('').each(function(index) {
//Loop through the rows. Add class admin for users having role as adminrole
if (data[index].role === 'adminrole') {
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On Pagination ChangeThis event is called on change of pagination.
Page.[gridName]Setrecord = function ($event, widget, data, pageInfo) {


Event Flow

Following is the flow of events for each action triggered on the Data Table.

On Row SelectSingle select Row deselect will be called only if previously a row was selected
Multi-Select If a selected row is clicked: If an unselected row is clicked:
On Header clickColumn selection is enabled If a selected column is clicked: If an unselected column is clicked:
Column selection is disabled & sort is enabled On Row Select row is triggered if select first record is enabled
On Page Load If ‘Select first record’ is enabled:
On Filter On Row Select row is triggered if select first record is enabled.
On Export
On Pagination
On Click of edit or new buttons
On Click of save in edit mode If before row update returns false, operation is stopped and next events are not fired
On Click of save in insert mode If before row insert returns false, operation is stopped and next events are not fired
On Click of delete button If before row delete returns false, operation is stopped and next events are not fired


Data Table has few methods exposed on widget scope which can be accessed via JavaScript. For the following script samples, we are considering the hrdb Department table. DepartmentGrid is bound to the Database CRUD Variable corresponding to the Department table.

  • To refresh the data in data table with the currently applied filters and sort:
  • To clear the filters applied on data table:
  • To focus on a field in edit mode(applicable to inline and quick edit data tables alone):
//This will focus the input on [columnname] field
  • To change a property of a column:
Page.Widgets.[dataTableName].columns.[columnname].displayName = ‘Deptarment Id’;
//Will change the display name of specified column to ‘Department Id’.
  • To force re-render Data Table:
//Will force re-render data table.
  • To change a property of a column:
    Page.Widgets.[dataTableName].column.[columnname].sortable = false; 
// disables the sort property on the data table
//Note: you can replace 'sortable' with any column property listed in the advanced settings.
  • To change value of a field which is in edit mode (applicable to inline and quick edit data tables alone):
    Page.Widgets.[dataTableName].formfields.[columnname].widget.datavalue = 'Engineering 1'; 
// Sets ‘Engineering 1’ to the specified column edit field
//Note: This will work only on click of edit on a row.
  • To retrieve value of a field which is in edit mode (applicable to inline and quick edit data tables alone):
// This will display the specified column field value in the console.
//Note: This will work only on click of edit on a row.
  • To select a row:
// The parameter can be index or object of row
  • To deselect a row:

Deselect will work only for data table with multiselect enabled on it.

//the parameter can be index or object of row (data bound to row),
//For grid actions user can send $row (which is row data) ,
//that can be sent as an argument to this method.
  • Working with selected item:
    Page.Widgets.[dataTableName].selecteditem = 2; 
//Selects the third row or item
Page.Widgets.[dataTableName].selecteditem = [2, 3];
//Selects the third and fourth row/item
Page.Widgets.[dataTableName].selecteditem = [];
//Deselects the existing rows or items
  • Set filter mode:
    Page.Widgets.[dataTableName].filtermode = ‘search’; 
// To set filter mode as search
Page.Widgets.[dataTableName].filtermode = ‘multicolumn’;
//To set filter mode as multi column

Inline edit for service variable

Inline editing can be enabled for a Data Table when bound to a Web Service/Java Service Variable

  • Go to Advanced Settings for the Data Table.
  • Go to the Actions tab.
  • Select the New, Edit and Delete actions.
  • As the Data Table is bound to Variable based on APIs exposed by the web service/ java service which returns list of records, for edit, update or delete user should map it to respective variables. This can be achieved through events on data table.
  • To On Record Insert:
Page.[gridName]Rowinsert = function($event, widget, row) {
//row: row has the data of the row being inserted
//row can be modified here
row.dateInserted =;
//Set the input as row for variable
//Insert the data by invoking the variable
Page.Variables.[insertVariable].invoke({}, function() {
//On success, call the refreshData on method to get the refreshed data
  • To On Record Update:
Page.[gridName]Rowupdate = function($event, widget, row) {
//row: row has the data of the row being updated
//row can be modified here
row.dateModified =;
//Set the input as row for variable
//Update the data by invoking the variable
Page.Variables.[updateVariable].invoke({}, function() {
//On success, call the refreshData on method to get the refreshed data
  • On Record Delete:
Page.[gridName]Rowdelete = function($event, widget, row) {
//row: row has the data of the row being deleted
//Set the input as row for variable
//Delete the data by invoking the variable
Page.Variables.[deleteVariable].invoke({}, function() {
//On success, call the refreshData on method to get the refreshed data

Methods: Below methods can be used for inline editing (applicable to inline and quick edit data tables alone)

  • To edit a row
// Selected row will be edited
  • To add a new row
  • To save a row
  • To cancel a row edit
  • To delete a row
  • To hide the edit row and go back to view mode