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Version: v11.8.3

React Native Features

From WaveMaker 11 release, React Native supports the following features. In the coming releases, you can expect more features to be added to React Native Studio.

Data Sources

StatusData Source TypeLearn more
Supported React Native FeaturesRest APIUsing REST API
Supported React Native FeaturesWeb ServicesUsing Web Serives
Supported React Native FeaturesJava ServiceUsing Java Service
Supported React Native FeaturesAPI ImportUsing API Import
Supported React Native FeaturesDatabasesUsing Databases

Security Service

StatusSecurity TypeLearn more
Supported React Native FeaturesLDAPUsing LDAP Service
Supported React Native FeaturesDemoUsing Demo Service
Supported React Native FeaturesCustomUsing Custom Security
Supported React Native FeaturesActive DirectoryUsing Active Directory
Supported React Native FeaturesOpen AuthUsing Open Auth
Supported React Native FeaturesSAMLUsing SAML
Supported React Native FeaturesCASUsing CAS

Development and Deployment

StatusFeatureLearn more
Supported React Native FeaturesPrefabs see limitations hereDeveloping Custom Reusable Component
Supported React Native FeaturesI18nI18n Support
Supported React Native FeaturesTheme[Developing and Importing Themes] (/learn/react-native/theme/)
Supported React Native FeaturesDeployDeploying App
Supported React Native FeaturesPreviewPreview Application
Supported React Native FeaturesExport React Native ZipExporting React Native Zip
Supported React Native FeaturesBuild APK or IPA with AppChefBuild with AppChef